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Garden of Life®

We are fanatical about food. We’re different that way. Whether we’re making a vitamin, or a probiotic, or a protein powder, we always start with real foods and that provide our formulas the power to be their best.


Garden of Life Protein, Women's Multivitamin, Mood+ and Vitamin D3 spray.

Empowering Extraordinary Health

The sole purpose of Garden of Life® is and always will be to empower our consumers with the tools necessary to achieve extraordinary health. And, at the same time, ensure that we are offering clean, traceable, clinically studied ingredients in the most sustainable way possible.

Our process is not the same as many nutritional supplement companies out there. We believe in whole food ingredients, in traceability, in third-party certifications, and in accountability. As fanatical as we are over what goes into our products, we are even more obsessed about the things we keep out of them. You won’t find synthetic ingredients, artificial flavors or colorings, binders or fillers. We are uncompromising about your health. 

Bilingual NGP logo
Vegan Free 348 green
Paleo Certified